Wednesday, November 17, 2004


After working the late shift tonight (finish at 8pm) Stu, Josh, Andy and I headed over to the corner to see RUFIO. For those who don't know they are an awesome punk rock band from America with fast guitar licks and even faster giddy up punk drum beats.

Support bands were Kiss Chasey and Mere Theory of which we only knew Kiss Chasey but they are a good solid Melbourne rock band. The place was packed just about full by the time kiss chasey left stage and rufio were starting at 10:10 (earliest over 18 start ever).

Probably the best way to judge a punk rock show is by the mosh, when Rufio came on though the mosh pit was so packed with overeager kids and romantics (guys who stand still behind their GF's in the middle of a mosh) that you could barely get a mosh up and people were going down like an intern after a pay rise.

Once the amateurs cleared out of the mosh it picked up in a big way, meanwhile the actual sound of the band was very good and they are a profesh band all the way.

Stu enjoyed it buy didn't really rate it especially the downfalls of the early mosh

Josh loved it and was going so crazy he almost took me out a couple of times

I thought it was great apart from the usual wanker with no shirt on

Andy loved it cause he was the only one that knew both albums they have well

For those pop monkeys out there you would be happy to hear they ripped out and awesome cover of Prayer by Madonna - "When I call your name, it's like a little prayer..."??

Tonight has prompted us to write a simple guide to mosh etiquette which is something to look for here in the next week.

Listening to

Rise Against - Paper Wings (that sick arse song that's on Burnout 3)

Shout Out

Band Rehearsal at Corey's (Thursday Night) come down and listen to all our new songs and the especially the ones we are going to put on our demo we are doing in a few weeks (Sounds Good On Paper).

Drinks in the city (Friday) for something different.

Anna (stu's housemate) + stu's re-signing of lease party (Saturday night) Stu's house.

I have heard from stu abut TORRENTS and BIT TORRENTS which some of our nerdier friends will probably say (YEAH didn't you know about them, ERR!!!) and you can download entire albums and episodes of shows with ease, more to come on that topic

That is me done.


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