Sunday, February 20, 2005

Still Battling Through Europe

Hey you crazy fools, ok this keyboard wont let me go to another line so you will have to read in one big paragraph like a year 7s english assignment. I am now in Munchen in Bavaria, Germany. Prague and Cheski Kromlov in czech were both very cool. I think they would probablz be even better in the summer. Staying in a cool hostel called WOMBATS which sounds a bit aussie but I havent seen any aussies as yet. Not a huge amount has been going on with me. Met some cool people, partied, moved cities same as usual. Oh yesterday I went to get some Euro out and I dont know what my credit card (different to debit card) PIN is so that presents a fun challenge for me. Not hearing any new songs or writting anything new is pretty annoying (as is how many Ys there are in english and where it is on the kezbaord in Germany). Oh can someone please make sure that you forward my mails on to Lauren cause I dont have her addy so she probably thinks Ive snobbed her. Well have fun at the island and remember to get raging drunk and if there is a hospital in close prox try and beat my island record of 2001. For those of you reading who ARE tim cummins please disregard the last 2 sentences and erase from memory. Ok see all you punks sometime between now and when I die and old man. Scott


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