Friday, March 04, 2005

The waiting game...

Well, I'm at work...waiting.

Echo is "off stone" tonight and the subs and designers are working on the final details of the pages. I can't really help with those technical details so I'm just waiting around in case there are any last minute problems or questions. I'm the only person left in my office! It is a flurry of activity upstairs where they're working on the daily and around the corner where they're working on the Sunday but here in marketing, I'm the only one around... and I don't know how much longer I can stand the boredom.

It's so quiet, and all I really want is beer. You know, I think beer was probably invented on a Friday. It is the only time of the week that it actually feels good to "down a cold one" - that's Broady talk for have a beer, preferably cold.

I had a great star sign today! Lillith said, and I quote (because I have the time to): "Today's Sagittarian Moon puts you in a party mood, which will be more satisfying in a intimate groups rather than large gatherings. The weekend won't operate along straight lines, but you'll learn a few new curves."

Well, I don't actually understand that last line but how good was the first bit. Party mood. Woohoo. Yeah! C'mon! Let's go! Oh man, it is so hard trying to stay in a party mood when all you can hear is an air conditioner and you can't see outside because the fluro lights are so bright. Maybe when I get outside I feel more enthusiastic.

When will I EVER get out of here?!....... I wish I could feel my face.


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