Tuesday, April 26, 2005

So Much 80's I Almost Slipped Through Space And Time

As Good As Being In Europe

I had such an awesomely rawsome long weekend I am just so happy and a little sad knowing I am going back to work tomorrow. Lets start this at the top.

At work on Friday I was considering maybe this was going to be the first quiet Friday night for a long long time. Then Benno came to the rescue with a plan to hit up Brunswick st and see Fizard at the Evelyn. Started at the Loft with the work crew then came home and got changed and fed. Headed back in with moshua and tim. Met liz and ben at Bar Open in Brunswick st. Had a random chat with this West Virginian who was backpacking and working in pubs sprooking some product. Sang the country road song and moved on

Went to bimbos for a chocolate pizza, it was awesome, who knew!

Then ben and all the others except liz and I went to the evelyn and saw fizard. I know they are an awesome band but I don’t like hip hop much so liz and I went over to Bar Called Barry’s on smith for 80’s night, fuck yeah. Met up with Sian from RMIT who I met on the trip in Germany. So liz, sian and I danced and drank it up like demons and got to see a 50 year old guy dancing like a dickhead, looking like a fuck. After a while the crew from the gig came and joined us and we danced and sang (oh my voice, my previous voice) till about 4 and then headed home.

Approx standard drink consumed for night : 18

Saturday was a surprisingly productive day given how much I drank. Woke up before midday on a Saturday which is nearly unheard of. Went and met Sian in the city for lunch and sat around with some nice food, cool drink, smoke or two, in the sun and had a chat.

Thought I was going out to Braith and Gooldys house warming party in Camberwell but it got to late to quickly so decided to have some pres at my house and round up a crew of all crews for THE STANDARDS!!!!.

With a crew of 14 we piled into Pony on little Collins to find that standards would be on a bit later and so were forced to stand around and drink more, haha. Caught up with Suzie and G Tounge from high school. And Katherine, Kristine, I can’t remember but they were in the year above us and in welch, moshua and my health class.


I was always going to love the dickens out of this gig seeing as though they put it on for me cause I missed their other one. The new drummer is sick. The new songs are rocking. Josh, welch and I kept a decent little mosh going up the front with some random chick who was into it as well. They dedicated IS THERE AND ANSWER to me and we went sick. Brylee (girl I met in London) and her friend Pam came along and were pretty amused at our level of excitement.

From there on a crew of Josh, Matt, Brylee, Pam and I went reveling and screaming fall out boy lyrics through the streets (ok the fall out boy was mainly me) and onto RETRO which is an 80’s club up near Pugs in Lonsdale. Got our dance on there for far too long. Went for a random half hour walk back to Pam’s car and she gave us a lift home.

Approc Standard Drinks consumed : 16

Sunday would usually be a good day of rest and recovery with work on Monday but with work cast aside to honour our heroic boys and girls who keep out the reds and make sure we have the freedoms to make jokes about those damn reds it was going to be another big night. After having just seen 2 intense nights of 80’s I was ready for something different. Liz delivered on this front and suggest NEXT which is the new goo over on king street.

Liz, Darcy and I headed to that after some good pres of vodkabulls and moved between the punk / emo, retro and metal rooms. The metal room was intense and a little scary to say the least. I counted 65 ppl wearing black and 5 not, well 4 + me.

Highlights of the night were darcy getting totally sloshed by about 12 and having him on the dance floor for a massive skegger song where he was only being held up by random mosh keeping him upright, good stuff. Matty and Moshua came in after the GP was done with and partied with them for another hour or so. Hodaka drove us home and we managed to listen to Wagner and the German national anthem which is always good fun.

Approx Standard Drinks consumed : 18

Today was a quiet day, saw the dons beat pies which was good. Went and saw Welch’s flat over in oak park which is a little batchelor pad. Had a roast, played some lord of the rings on xbox (haven’t done that since last year) with josh. Got angry as a bastard with that game and came to type this.

Back to work tomorrow which sucks big monkey balls

Peace Out

PS. I am making EMO IN THE AUTUMN 2 at the moment which will be out very soon, promising to be the big hit of autumn until fall out boys newie comes out.


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