Sunday, April 17, 2005

Two in a row... is this allowed?

I'm starting to panic about my demographic. Unless I'm mistaken, I'm the target of a marketing campaign by Emily The Strange... a women's clothing company! It is fronted by a fictional character described on their website as -
"Anti-cool, a subculture of one, and a follower of no one but herself. She is the anti-hero for the Do It Yourself movement! Her favourite phrase is 'Get Lost', which is both an invitation to travel to unknown places and an instruction to 'take a hike!'"

I don't have an desire to buy any of their stuff - the name alone is enough to send a shiver down my spine - but everywhere I turn, there she is.

1) We did an Emily The Strange giveaway at work. There are 30 trucker hats that say "Public Emily" about two metres from my desk.
2) A girl submitted in her folio of writing, some stories she did in a niche Melbourne magazine. In that magazine? Ads for Miss Strange.
3) Lauren (hoping not to pick up at Switch last night) wore an Emily The Strange jacket...

...and finally, the one that has me really freaked out.

4) Last night at Switch Tim and I went upstairs to see what the band was like. It was a band called Alpha State, and they were actually pretty mad. The lead singer had a great voice. During the set they had a blow up toy on stage with a vaguely family face... It was bloody Cruel. She'd found me again. Investigating further online today I find that Alpha State were proudly presented by Emily The Cruel.

What's even scarier is that Miss Cruel - "13 years old and one bad kitty with long black hair with bangs, big white Mary Jane shoes, short black dress, black stocking, ever present four black cats" - bares a striking resemblance to that bitch Samara from The Ring. If this crazy woman appears on my television screen, I'm getting the fuck out.



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