Friday, May 20, 2005

Tell Him He's Dreamin'

Any kind of scripted drama will always beat filming a bunch of retards in a house non stop hands down.

Doesn't really matter if it is Simpsons, OC or McLeods daughters. If a script was written and more than "hey lets have only single / slutty people this time so we can film some sex" was the main motivation to even get behind the camera then there is absolutely no contest.

I don't even want to go down the "does popularity make it the BEST" argument. We all know what the circulation of the Herald Sun and The Age are in comparison but as people with more education than a year 9 drop out some people choose to read The Age because it doesn't encourage mindless popularity and the dumbing down of society.

The OC doesn't discourage the dumbing down of society either but at least people get a bit more entertainment and something different than if they simply turned their heads 180 and watched the people in their lounge room watching big brother because thats all big brother is.

The fact that they change big brother in some way every year is a desperate attempt to milk to death a show and an idea that was pretty much done after season 1. Orwell would be spinning in his grave.

Don't watch, don't sms and don't defend what is a retarted idea taken too far to try and prolong whatever C List celebrity life Gretel Coleen is trying to accomplish.


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