Monday, May 16, 2005

another weekend passes through shots and beer glasses

hey thats a pretty good line for a song...

I thought I better lay done some info about my enraged post about channel 10. They insist on showing BB at every possible chance they can and as a result of teenage and metro hype pushing the beginning of the show they simply discarded the new episode of the Simpsons so that rather than quality scripted comedy gold we could watch a bunch of retarded (the guy thought B-I-N-G-O spelt BENJI, how can you defend that) horny morons sit around talking about random shit and trying to screw each other.

Which could be exciting if they actually showed it instead of replaying other people speculate on who hooked up like some kind of retarded year 12 lunch time gossip session. Ok, I have said my piece and I will BRING IT with anyone who wants to put evidence forward as to why the characters in big brother do not set the IQ curve slightly above “forest gump”.

And before you fire up about O.C. comparisons Ben remember that the people in the O.C. are actually attractive and don’t talk like Queensland bush pigs.

Well that was certainly a weekend. Kind of felt more like 2 party nights and then straight back to work having slept the majority of Saturday and Sunday.

Friday night saw tim, tommo and I in Brunswick St waiting for stu’s party to head over to RETRO. Drank at Bar Open where the highlight was a little fire drum that tried its best to keep us warm with varied success. Went to the perseverance on the way to the city. Tommo and Tim left to meet up with jon and the others and I went on to find Stu in a state as usual and josh pumped and dancing wildly to 80’s as usual.

After about half an hour of not seeing Stu people started asking the important question and the answer was a resounding but not surprising “he go kicked out” haha, respect.

Liz and her friend lisa eventually came to retro as well and josh and I left them there in the very late wee hours of the morning.

Saturday night I headed out for dinner with the bry at blue train which was cool. Hooked up with Vicki, pam and tom (her friends) and bar hoped around for a while where at the same time the rest of the crew was laying very sturdy foundations over at debbies house for her birthday party.

Hooked up with josh and headed once again to retro (no cover on a sat though which was good). The actually club was really bad compared to Friday, the music was no where near as good and the crowd was way older.

Then as the rest of the crew from debbie’s arrived we headed over to DV8. I don’t know if the powderfinger song “not my kinda scene” goes far enough to explain that place but I was pretty on edge the whole time I was there. Tim and Ben were making their own fun so I thought it can’t be too bad. Funniest thing ever was either seeing tim successfully climb a gated door and squeeze between it and the roof to the other side or seeing him climb a ladder that went nowhere except to him bashing his head on the roof. They are both equally good moments.

Bout 3am myself, bry, pam and Liz decided to head off and we began our 1 hour wait for a taxi over at the Flinders St taxi rank

In the morning I went back to sleep after the girls left and slept most of the day away which was equally relaxing and wasteful. It was bry’s birthday on Sunday so it seems this time of year is littered with birthdays.

Today I actually managed to get to work on time which is a bit surprising. At the moment just sitting around putting the finishing touches on THE 2005 which is very close to done.

Just harping back to the start before I go if you have fallen victim to the BB curse then don’t worry because you can watch 19 hours of it on the TV alone between now and next Sunday night, if you have the net the sky is the limit.



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