Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Written By Scott Delaney

Ok so today I am running late for work and by that I mean literally running in the direction of work. I’m half way up the big boy escalator at parliament listening away to a rockin song as you do and I stumble on the steps. I loose grip and I go down with my left knee slamming into the step in front of me. Now those steps are solid metal and they have JAGS!! Nasty bitches.

So I limp to work and start to feel blood so I actually look at what was making me ache and there are two big perfect puncture wounds on my knee from where I feel. No cut in my pants but wounds (go figure). Well after sitting around and getting sicker and sicker and sorer the OH and S guy whacked a elasto thing on it and I got sent of to St Vinnies to have it checked out.

I was quite surprised how good my public hospital experience was. Only waiting 10 mins which is less than my usual GP. Basic story was the doc checked it out and she said it was all good. Gave me a few pills and put some ice on it and a couple of bickys for bring a brave boy (or cause you can’t take drugs on an empty stomach, whatever).

So with the knee feeling fine (ish) I went back and worked the rest of the day.

Oh and had some yummy jap lunch at ISEKI with brylee so that was a good treat after a weird morning. Only shit thing is I didn’t get paid for the few hours I was off the phones cause I’m a contractor so that is balls but I guess its just one of those things when you’re an unco bastard like I am with my knees.

That is all


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