Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Time for a Counter Rant

I think it is nuts to get fired up about the $5.6 million payout to Jason Ballerini. We're either living in a nanny nation, or we're not. Governments can't have it both ways.

Think about all of the intrusive rules and regulations imposed on us day to day. All of the thousands of ways the government tries to protect people from their own stupidity.

Some of them are reasonable: slower speed limits around schools; seat belts; bike helmets; restrictions on cigarette advertising; warnings on cigarette packs; patrolled beaches; ad campaigns warning against drug use, water use, power use, car use - even bloody shovel use!

Some of them are downright ridiculous, like forty kilometre speed zones to protect drunks at 2am on a Sunday night and Easter trading restrictions. "GET OUT OF MY LIFE!"

Whether you like it, hate it or couldn't give a toss about it, our government intrudes on almost every aspect of our lives with advice (and usually legislation) on how to live better, safer, healthier lives.

It is the government, not litigious citizens, breeding a society that doesn't take responsibility for itself. Hell, the government won't even let us take responsibility for ourselves.

So, when Jason Ballerini dived from a log into the Old Barooga swimming hole when he was a 16 year old kid during his summer holiday, damn right the government deserves some of the blame. After all, they are the ones so intent on protecting us from ourselves. When they fail, shouldn't they then be liable? We're liable if we're caught not wearing a seat belt.

The court found that Ballerini was partly to blame - 30 per cent to be precise. The Berrigan Shire Council and Forestry Commission of NSW are splitting the remaining 70 per cent of damages that must be paid. Eighty per cent council, 20 per cent commission. Fair-a-fuckn-nuff.

This was a popular swimming hole. In a country where you find warnings signs at every turn, is it unreasonable for a young boy whose life has been ruined to ask those responsible for the swimming hole just where the warning signs were this time? I don't think so.


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