Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Moore Money??

Hey All,

In Re: to an e-mail ben sent me and an article in THE AGE today, Michael Moore is considering doing a movie on the shambles of a response the US government made in response to Katrina.

And I love michael moore even if he is deceptive but it looks pretty bad when you have a guy thinking of making a movie about an event that the dust hasn't even settled on yet. They don't even know how many people are dead or where the bodies are. How objective and factual could it possible be?

I think Moore could do better by donating some of his mega bucks to help the relief efforts rather than trying to sort a pile of cash to put towards another flick.

And yes, I have just read a pretty damning book about Moore and his antics but I still think my opinion would be the same.

If moore is all about uncovering truth and holding politicians to answer than he would do better as the head of an independent enquiry, not the director of a movie that will try and rake in a shit load of cash.

My thought for the day.


Blogger haywire said...

Fair call, but he makes a good point too: "Do not listen to anyone who says we can discuss all this later. No, we can't.

"Our country is in an immediate state of vulnerability.

"More hurricanes, wars, and other disasters are on the way, and a lazy bunch of self-satisfied lunatics are still running the show."

14/9/05 1:01 am  

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