Tuesday, July 11, 2006

From Jon and Liz

Lizzie asked me to upload this for her and Jon. Apparently Blogger was being a bitch in Europe.


Hello from Austria!!!!

just a quick note to say jono and i have arrived safe and well in vienna. Thanks to everyone who came to see us off - it was lovely and slightly emotional...

had some issues going through customs when Jimis box contained what was thought to be a rubber snake which is a no-no for on board plane antics.... turns out the snake was gummy snake - edible in any language one speaks so we had a good chuckle about that with the crazy Australian customs people

A special thanks to Steph who prepared me with a box of goodie to keep me entertained and hyper for the next few weeks - go Pez!

The plane arrived 1 hour ealy and what was a tense wait for jons bag (almost thought it continued onto the London leg ofour orginal flight - we got the show on the road! Spent the first few hours this morning walking in the completely wrong direction and developing sore backs and dehydration - yes its bloody hot over here and its like 10am!!!!

As all good travellers do - both jon and i have no idea where we are staying tongiht and are making headway into trying to find out where we need to be!!!

Anyways - please pass this on to all those who dont receive it and my love to everyone and jon sends his love as well - so you should all be feeling very lucky at the moment!!!!!

Hope to hear how everyone is soon

Love Lizi


Greetings other side of the world folk!!!

well our stay in vienna has come to an end, jon and i are preparing ourselves to journey to milan tonight via brastislava - so that should be an interesting journey!

the last few days have been filled with heat and big buildings....

Went to the holfburg summer palace... and its no holiday house down the coast thats for sure. It was huge and there was an open air concert with a famous violinist being prepared, we arrived during rehersals so we got some free culture... quite nice. The surprise was the massive gardens behind the palace... wow.... is all i can say... as jon described it - insane-oplatz! rolling gardens with this stucture placed atop of a hill. it was fantastic - and to thinkl the only reason we went there was to see some sort of garden maze. And yes... we got horribly lost and chased by 2 little german pixie children.

That day we also went to the market which was really nice. similar to the vic markets, however the food for sale was interesting and a lttle different for normal food. cheese is all i can think about! some how we ended up spending 10 euro in dried fruit.... yeah... dont ask!

yesterday was fantastic! we spent the better half of the morning searching for the künsthouse in north vienna to find an exhibition we wanted to see.

we travelled across vienna about 4 times till we finally found this place and it was worth the wait, heat, sweat and stairs.....

künsthouse looked very Goudi - crazy bits here and there...

The exhibtion we saw was a Giger in Wein - for those who arent familiar with Gager - hes the dude who designed the Alien from the the Alien movies - yes Dav and Tom - your favourite guy! It was intense.... Intricate dfrawings and sculptures to full scale models from the movies. I loved some of the pieces of art that was on display.... though it did get a bit intense the humanoid and associated #dark# things this guy is into... and a mass display of human reproductive features...

jon and i recovered at the Prater (like Luna park) chilling out at a beachlike bar sipping icey cold beer... fantastic! we were tempted to go on the big ferris wheel - historical significance... but we figured we were much happier with the beer than being stuck in a mini oven.....

and last night we hung out in a little bar come resturant and watch the soccer... couldnt concentrate on my bratwurst whilst watching the soccere.... great match - pity it went to penalties...

so thats just a mini cap of whats been happening - besides way too much walking and its after effectc... blisters... god they hurt like hel.. - but im rotating my shoes so thats ok - lukcy i did pack those extra ones!!! hehehe

anyways - need to start moving... does anyonhe know how to get to bratislava?


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