Friday, May 20, 2005

President Gorba-cough

Gretel Killeen, actually. You know, like Killeen, Texas - just off the 190 Central Texas Expressway.

Spelling crisis: over. Geography crisis: pending.

But while we're on Gretel, petal, she is not a washed up celebrity. She is actually a best selling children's author in Australia, Europe and Canada. She's no James Van Der Beek Katie Holmes. Nuff said.

Now back to Big Brother. May the blog reflect that I never suggested that just because something is popular, it is good. John Howard won the last election, after all.

I pin criticisms of Big Brother up against criticisms of the OC simply because both are guilty pleasures that attract an almost identical demographic. Watching the OC can be looked down upon just as easily as watching Big Brother, so why bother criticising either?

I don't understand why anyone would put so much energy into disliking a television program that they would bother to work themselves into a expletive filled rage about it.

*cough, cough*


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