Monday, July 17, 2006

Trash Europe

Hey guess what?! if you can read this it might mean that I've finally figured this out.

or it might not. Either way, we're in Barcelona right now, rather large net cafe on Las Ramblas, and it's awesome.

Spent the day in Paris yesterday, raced through trying to see as much as possible in about 6 hours.. I think we did alright - Eiffel tower, Arc D'Triumph (did you know Barcelona also has an Arc Del Triomf?? OoOoO), we had a look down Champs D'Elysses, The Louvre (just the outside), Notre Dame, yeah I think we did alright.

The few days before that spent at Braith's Dad's house in Lyon were bliss, all Beer wine and cheeses xD what I assume is the ultimate french experience. Having the vaguely local tour guide/taxi driver made our stay heaps better & easier too - Props to Phil!

Don't think I'll match Liz's novel sized attempts today, after getting all excited that I could do this, I quickly found I had nothing to say ^^ which is only becuase it's all going in my Travel Journal - courtesy of Jimmy and his box of tricks - which I'll be releasing next fall for a nominal 19.95.. € of course :D

PS oh yeah, turns out post codes were the last thing I thought about bringing a list of, yet they're rather important in sending post cards >_> will be gathering some today from the net to send out some already written, and hopefully be sending more soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smarter than the average bear!

Failing that, give a shot!

(So were the Spanish jealous of the French? I'm surprised...who wants to be like the French!?!?)


17/7/06 12:29 pm  

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