Friday, November 16, 2007

1. Obtain an octopus of any variety.

2. Repeat Step 1 until desired result has been achieved.

Please do yourselves all a favour and go check out the inestimable Uncyclopedia!!

Yes it's true.. I can no longer deal with being outclassed by Tim's superior literary skills, so I'm falling back on PROPS!! woot!

The effort of typing out those stupid [a href= bllah blah (I clearly know that's the wrong bracket, but if you use the right one all of a sudden the entire post is a link to ' bllah blah' which is NSFW, or just dumb) was probably enough to validate actually just trying a little harder when I spill out my nonsense posts.. oh well, live and learn (or not, don't get shirty with me)

oh! i found a caltrop in my living room today

So the reason I'm doing this is because I'm completely and unequivocally unemployed. Lack of employment agrees with me on many levels, especially the last level of Halo 3 - Heroic. Yeah, take that on. Don't worry your hairy little heads over it though, I seem to have signed up with an agency far more interested in getting me work than I am, so I'm happy to leave it in their capable (though hairy palmed) hands. Not really sure why 'Hairy' is the adjective for today, it just is, k?

i wonder if crips get pissy if someone picks out the wrong shade of blue
'I know you ain't frontin' with that periwinkle'
"Cyan? Niggah please."

Not to cause unnecessary excitement (hairy excitement? let me know if you go anywhere interesting with that one) but I am, most likely, booking a ticket home tomorrow. Not to leave tomorrow, that would be silly. No I will probably be booking it for sometime after tomorrow, though no later than .. can't think of anything good for that one, I leave that as a 'choose your own'. Look at that, ever had a choose your own blog before? Spose most people would chose a different one to mine. lawl. asshat.

so drawing maps from satelite imagery is a pretty fun job..
but when i found out you cant zoom in far enough to see elephants

i was really let down

Todays random inserts were taken entirely without knowledge or consent from the almighty BASH!!! just click 'random' and let the hours roll by.

If there were a building that stood for average intelligence, you would be the plane that crashed into it

I feel like I didn't close something properly somewhere... if you find it.. bother someone else with your petty trifles. BAI!