Hoo hoo hee hee ha ha
The title has no relevance, as this blog is not so much 'funny' as it is 'disused, disreputable, and dismembered..'. But NO LONGER!! I have remembered the URL, and what's worse, I've remembered how to log in. *ushers forward a new age of enlightenment* well, some would call it enlightenment, in some strange language where 'enlightenment' doesn't actually mean anything.
Soooooooo some things have certainly happened, I won't go into details, just accept frenchmen, a sword, a dinosaur/man race (the dinosaurs won), and probably some other things. Also, I hearby declare that within TWENTY FOUR HOURS I will have gone home and come back to work. Incredible huh? (also that will be my last day as Managing Director of Cleanngone ltd, as I move on to bigger and far shinier things).
In my absence from the INTERBLAG we, the natives of NUMBER 18 CHOBHAM have played host to many august visitors - from Jo & Darce, to Tim, Tom and Friedl, to Fish's dad and Jayson's mum, it's like the freakin HILTON! Good times were had by all, they really played hard, and the boys put in 110% today and I think we can all be happy with the result.
Crazily enough, the most awesome word we encountered in france was english! (perhaps not so crazy, as it was one of few words we could actually understand..) but RECAPITATED! not often a boon to the living, but we did encounter some inanimate patrons of the arts that had benefited quite handily from said word/action. I wonder what possible applications the slightly different 'recipitation' could have. yeahhhhh, feel that IQ slowly seep aaway.
Halo 3. Nuff said? Gravity hammer - oh yeah.
I may continue with more regular updates, I may not, who knows? It remains in the fickle laps of the gods.
Soooooooo some things have certainly happened, I won't go into details, just accept frenchmen, a sword, a dinosaur/man race (the dinosaurs won), and probably some other things. Also, I hearby declare that within TWENTY FOUR HOURS I will have gone home and come back to work. Incredible huh? (also that will be my last day as Managing Director of Cleanngone ltd, as I move on to bigger and far shinier things).
In my absence from the INTERBLAG we, the natives of NUMBER 18 CHOBHAM have played host to many august visitors - from Jo & Darce, to Tim, Tom and Friedl, to Fish's dad and Jayson's mum, it's like the freakin HILTON! Good times were had by all, they really played hard, and the boys put in 110% today and I think we can all be happy with the result.
Crazily enough, the most awesome word we encountered in france was english! (perhaps not so crazy, as it was one of few words we could actually understand..) but RECAPITATED! not often a boon to the living, but we did encounter some inanimate patrons of the arts that had benefited quite handily from said word/action. I wonder what possible applications the slightly different 'recipitation' could have. yeahhhhh, feel that IQ slowly seep aaway.
Halo 3. Nuff said? Gravity hammer - oh yeah.
I may continue with more regular updates, I may not, who knows? It remains in the fickle laps of the gods.
was that a little dislocated? I never was very good at linking sentences..
I don't know if any of you have ever been in the fickle lap of a god but it's not as good as it sounds.
Was your job really called "Clean '
N' Gone"?! I mean, the "Clean" bit is good, but if I was a Londoner who'd just handed his keys over to a bunch of shady Bulgarians and Australians to clean my carpets while I was at work, the "Gone" bit would weigh on my mind a little...
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