Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Is Don, Is...Cured Pork Meats?

When I did Sociolinguistics at uni, we looked a bit at the different varieties of English, and there was the usual Australian stuff you'd expect about billabongs and tucker and paddocks and the like. But one thing I was surprised to learn was that the term "economic rationalism" is actually an Australian thing. As the article says, everywhere else it's called "neoliberalism," "Thatcherism" or other names, all with slightly different connotations. (Incidentally, how punk does "Rogernomics" sound?! Like Kathematics but with more rogering.) So basically, all those TV debates and opinion pieces and plays like "Diving for Pearls" would have needed to be "translated" for an overseas audience. I was struck by this at the time because it seemed such an unlikely little chunk of Aussie difference when everything else is dominated by the US and the UK.

Well now I think I've found another one. I was doing a translation about ham, and I came across the word salumi, which is the general Italian word for salami, prosciutto, all the different meats you find in a delicatessen. The dictionary only gave me "cured pork meats," which is obviously hideous. But I thought, hang on, isn't the generic word for all those things "smallgoods"? So why doesn't my dictionary have it? I typed it into the google bar, which for some reason is set to, and found that there were a suspiciously high number of hits with addresses - that's right, "smallgoods" is an Australian term!! Type it into wikipedia and you get references to the Melbourne Show, the Essendon Bombers, and The Smallgoods, "an Australian indie pop band originally from the Victorian coastal town of Port Fairy."

So now that another of my antipodean bubbles has been burst, I look to you guys for enlightenment - if they don't have the word "smallgoods", can you find out what the poms do call these things? And if they can't come up with a satisfactory alternative, I charge you guys with taking the Aussie word to the world.


Blogger Falcon said...

Hi, so we've come up with a nice way of saying "cured pork meats." I'm not sure but I think in England they're just called cured "sausages".

On another note, this is likely to be my last post in this country (Australia) as I commence leaving it in around five-and-a-half hours.

I can't log in to the blog proper at the moment so I'll have have a go at Ben when I see him at the airport.

28/3/07 8:52 am  
Blogger Jon said...


I actually always assumed they were known as cured meats.. spose I'm just awesome and you're dumb? thought so.

Nice comeback.

28/3/07 7:23 pm  
Blogger tim said...

Yay for BT!! From what I can work out you should be high in the air now, cramped and bored out of your mind - all in the spirit of adventure, avast!! Or maybe you've arrived - timezones make my head hurt, especially on the net.

29/3/07 11:28 pm  
Blogger tim said...

news just in - he lives!!

Welcome to the EU my friend - making the world a better place, by committee.

29/3/07 11:36 pm  
Blogger Jon said...

is a qualified meat curer that still hangs around his school referred to as 'Salumni'?

30/3/07 8:07 pm  
Blogger tim said...

haha, yeah, but only in groups.

2/4/07 1:11 am  

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