Saturday, February 24, 2007


So we decided that beancheese was a far more accurate, descriptive and appealing (just more ultimate in every sense) name for tofu. Well.. some of 'us' pulled out at the last minute, I think you need a special kind of commitment to follow through with a name change of such.. pure awesomeness. I'm special.

So today I'm winning a drumkit from the people on the tv, that's a bit exciting. Unfortunately they haven't realised that I'm winning yet, otherwise I spose we could do away with the whole waiting and deciding thing, but you know, you have to be understanding. After playing with Scott's guitar, Steph's bass, and now winning this drumkit, I think the lack of instrument in my life is slowly coalascing into some form of acid spitting tumour. or maybe an acid spitting PUMA!! :o (it's not a puma!! .. it's a warthog? >_> )

So Fish and Jan went to Italy this weekend, full shattered I couldn't go with them. I picked this week to work on saturday, cos it sounded like fun. Considering my day at work (on friday, one of our busiest days) consisted of sleeping, beating my head against the desk, and trying to pretend my colleague is only half as dumb as he really is.. and even half would make hims some kind of intellectual vortex. I spose in a way that makes me perfectly qualified to work next to him, as my extra-rawesome skull protects my brain smarts. and no other reason. don't be mean. Maybe I'm so damn full of smarts that they'll clog his brain-hole and force him to remember how to think. That or cause him to implode. I know what I'm hoping.

I now have to go somewhere I've never been to see people I've never met (That was a half truth) but the gist remains - somewhere out there milky is going for whole hours without being abused, I'm not superman damnit!! (though somehow elassa came to the quite stable conclusion that I'm actually the prince of darkness himself.. coming so close on the heels of declaring myself the saviour of mankind, I'm a little confused..)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you allowed to end compliments with a ?

all the same, it's a very nice gift. You really shouldn't have.

25/2/07 12:45 am  
Blogger thenick said...

You have people named after palindromes leaving comments. I SAY A-HA HA HA! to you.

So yeah...prince of darkness, saviour of mankind...I'm thinking it's the same person and it just depends on things such as the number of followers of such factions, the state of sin in the world, and possibly even if the weather is good.

I need to write stuff - got a suggestion?

26/2/07 8:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

godlessness in beauraucracy. Perhaps more interesting would be the presence of god in beauraucracy.. discuss.

27/2/07 6:56 am  
Blogger tim said...

Is the third line of the last paragraph as dirty as it sounds, or am I just sick?

27/2/07 10:48 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're probably just sick

28/2/07 1:24 am  
Blogger Falcon said...

No, it is sick when read as a single, stand-alone line. Don't do that by the way.

6/3/07 10:01 pm  
Blogger thenick said...


I hope that the Easter Claus brings you many hollowed-out pumpkins and teeth.

Or something.

(Happy birthday little brother - eat a cake for me)

13/3/07 4:49 pm  

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