Friday, January 26, 2007

Trash or Get Trashed

Halloa? Are you ready to talk?

This is my much-delayed shout out to all you guys over in the Old Country who gave me such a memorable time over the break and made sure I wasn't left crying into my tea back in the tumbleweed-strewn wasteland that Bologna is said to become when the students clear out over the holidays. It warms my heart to know that while the rest of Europe has to make do with periodical ransackings, you guys are over there working around the clock to bleed away London's very soul.

Special thanks go to:

Scott, of course, for opening the floodgates and giving nary a quiver as the tides rolled in, leaving beached Italians in the hall and a fetchingly remodelled back door;

James and Erica, everyone's favourite de facto couple, for managing a smile when we turned up for the third day in a row in what I like to think of as the Christmas That Would Not Die;

Jon and Fish for general merriment;

and of course Ollie, who I didn't really see much of, but who reacted admirably well when he came home to find I had stolen his identity.

After we left you guys, Ben and Kat and I had a lovely little jaunt around Italy, getting to know the local customs such as communal showers and eating horse. Unfortunately, after they left me, everything seems to have gone to hell - COINCIDENCE??!!

Post Script: The other day I was flicking through the glitzy quagmire that is Italian TV when I was surprised to see that a chat show host was interviewing the inept family lawyer from Arrested Development (pictured).

But wait, he seemed to be asking him all these questions about Happy Days...It's is!!!

That's no lawyer, that's...

The Fonz!!!11!!!!!1!

Well, I thought that was exciting.


Blogger Falcon said...

Good stuff.

By the way thanks for the postcard. I only received it a week ago, but I get the impression it has been in the house for a while before I discovered its existance.

28/1/07 9:46 pm  

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