Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I apologise to you all, I promise I won't let any such Mo's encroach on this sacred terrain ever again! (unless they're of course they're gracing my ultimate upper lip ^^)

SOOO I got a DUVET!! woooo!! (that's a doona for those of you that still speak a real language....) after about 5 months of sleeping bag or hostel beds I'm finally back in double bed with sheets and everything!! it's incredible, but like, I don't think I really needed to make it harder to get out of bed in the morning.. the cold does that job well enough as it is >_< (also the step from wadded up dirty clothes to actual pillows in pillow cases is one I heartily recommend to you all)

Guess what else?! I HAVE A COMPUTOR!! well, lets clarify. In the 1960's they may have considered such a computer to be a form of God-machine. Unfortunately these days I wouldn't trust such a rig to act as paper weight.. but still, baby steps right? Iron age had to come before the one that came after it yeah? we'll get there. (PS I hate win2k, kthnx)

Here's the fun news, for the past 2 weeks I lived on no more than 79 aussie cents!! oh yeahhh that's what I'm talking about. Admittedly, without the likes of the mighty Fish I may have been in some hot water indeed (not enough money to get to work to make more money etc) but tis all good now, HSBC decided I'd endured enough to be allowed to have my PIN for my english bank account - oh kind and mighty overlords that they are.... (they will be the first to fall... the first of many -_-)


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