Monday, October 02, 2006

erm still in London

Hey! so um, yeah, still in London! haven't.. left or anything like that. (nor has it become somewhere else in some crazy midnight 'dark city'like transformation)

Turned down work today! yeah, I'm 'that' good. Apparently my torn-to-shreds-jeans, and shoes-that-are-more-holes-than-not ensemble just isn't good enough for some people, forcing me to go out and spend hard earned cash before I have the chance to hard earn any. I blame Thatcher!! (everyone else here seems to blame her for.. everything else) Once I have my fancy threads I should be well inline for some madcore MUSEUM JOB!!!!!111111 I dunno, seemed to make sense at the time.

stilll don't have a computer - meaning I STILL haven't heard the latest Slayer or Hatebreed albums, which is fairly LAME I know, I hope to rectify this in less than more time.

oh yeah, and sif Budweiser is American, whoever told me that must BURN FOR YOUR SINS!!! (and mine while you're at it)


Blogger haywire said...

Hang in there Jonno! Try not to get a job for about 12 weeks so that we can hang out 24-7 when I get there! on second thoughts...

3/10/06 5:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Museums, huh? They are full of dinosaurs, and fossils...

...who organise the exhibitions of cool stuff, right?

Oh, and I've picked Scott's Xmas present - A SPELL CHECKER.

5/10/06 11:03 pm  
Blogger tim said...

Hey yeah, I've had the scary experience of turning down work too. I figure that it's better to wait for work to build up with one school so i don't have to do a lot of running around, but until they give me a lot of work it hurts saying no to other people...

So if you're visiting tom, are you going to swing by my place in Bologna or what?! I have a very alluring spare mattress.

6/10/06 1:46 am  
Blogger Jon said...

Tim I could consist on pure spare matress alone for days, I'll be in touch.

6/10/06 7:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi jon, this is Steven. How long are you going to stay in London?
And a hello to Josh and Scot!
I hope to be able to get to London soon!

7/10/06 6:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi jon, this is Steven. How long are you going to stay in London?
And a hello to Josh and Scot!
I hope to be able to get to London soon!

7/10/06 6:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my email is

7/10/06 6:59 pm  

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