Monday, August 21, 2006

Hola from wherever we are!! (swizterland I´ll assume.. though I haven´t heard anyone speak swiss yet!! .. reckon they just call it cheese here?)

Zurich was a massive let down, omg. LP recommended 3 churches and the zoo.. can anyone spell PISA?! atleast their buildings were straight >_> so yeah, we´re actually staying just outside of zurich, place called Kloten, and omg, would you guess it, there´s less here. it´s like they´re trying to be boring, we couldn´t even find a place to eat on saturday night!!!

having said we several times, of course I refer to just myself and Liz, as Scott has cut loose and scurried to london with his proverbial tail between his legs, and Fish was keen on some place I can´t spell, lausen or something, but we´ll probably hook up wiht him in Prague shortly.

Oh yeah, Amsterdam was pretty cool, went to the Heineken Museum - wasn´t so awesome, cept you got 3 beers with your ticket (worked out cheaper than drinking elsewhere >_>) and I bought a kick ass heineken watch, haven´t figured how to drink it yet, but I´m sure i´ll get it.

BTW I didn´t really publisize this, but I shaved my beard Ö it´s just starting to grow back.. kinda freaked me out.

Timmo and Thommo, nice work blogging, now get joo asses to europe!


Blogger Jon said...

wow, so it did post, obviously ten minutes of a page refreshing saying ´0% of blog posted´ is swiss for ´everything is sweeeet mate!´

25/8/06 12:45 am  
Blogger Falcon said...

Yeah, well it was enjoyable to see the differences

25/8/06 2:42 pm  
Blogger Jon said...

you really need something better to do with your time. I know, come to europe ^^

26/8/06 11:34 pm  
Blogger Falcon said...

Yeah, I'm working on it, seriously I'll be there soon, or start of next year if I can't get in soon enough

27/8/06 4:53 pm  

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