Sunday, July 30, 2006


just a quick post from Pisa, there's nothing here, cept a stupid tower, and billions of street hawkers.

it's nice enough though, and we're only here for the night, tomorrow we head for Florence which I'm told will be interesting enough to make up for Pisa >_>

AND get this, we actually had a cool day!! :O I can't deal.. best part was that the cool came in after we jumped in the water without towels, planning on drying off in the sun, YUS!

had awesome dinner for Liz's birthday, she's old now, CRONE!

and yea, I dunno, laterz!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Guys! It's Lozza. I am a loyal reader of your blog, and Jonno I think you're doing a great job. I love reading your updates! Tell the other guys to get on there and write stuff too! Or are you all getting pissed all the time! I think that's a pretty safe bet! It sounds like you're having an awesome time, and Happy Birthday Lizzie! It sucks in MEL- too bloody cold! Lotsa luv, Loz x

1/8/06 4:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey punk!

I read your updates just to see if they are worth reading - no, I have yet to learn the error of my ways.

Sounds like Europe is doing it's best to keep you on your toes, but it also sounds like a lot of fun.

Keep writing, and happy birthday Liz! You're not that me!

1/8/06 6:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the BLOG we are reading it ...Is everyone else expecting to make EUR19.95 off their travel tales.....I dont think so...Liz seems to have my luck with travelling disasters not good at the time but funny looking back..

3/8/06 12:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg...its jonny! i feel bad for you guys:( getting chased by the evil pixie children.

P.S. gimme your account/password ^^
milky is being mean

love ya! keep on posting and answer my emails you bum!

8/8/06 11:13 pm  

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