Wednesday, August 30, 2006


why does it always start with that damn title, it's starting to shit me..

anyways, here I am, in teh Bruxxels, and I finally feel the lack of teh Lonely Planet book (one of which I don't own as I was travelling with a cadre of them, but now, elas! they are all teh gone >_<) so without direction I find myself deciding this place is teh LAME (not much grounding from my own experience, but people full said not to go here cos it was weak, so I feel I will finally accept their opinion) I'm still clinging to the hope that I will turn a corner somewhere and see Van Damme beating so,eone up, maybe if I play my cards right he'll beat me up too ^^

Before this, however, was a pretty awesome couple of nights in Paris with Trix and his French friends from Australia (or something) they were pretty cool. well.. I'm pretty sure they were cool, see they spoke alot of french, and for all I know they were talking about eating babies or genocide or something the whole time.... (when I spoke to Martin about this he quickly informed me that the french language consists of only two words; 'eat' and 'baby', which explains alot really... I only wish I'd known before I got there..) So yeah, a cruisy 2 day bender to a soundtrack of french (and french music - weird) playing PSPs (dragonball Z woo! trix hacks) in a sweet little apartment in Les Gobelins! (somewhere in paris)

next I think I'll go to Hamburg. Don't ask why, I really don't know. all I've got is a booking on the 3rd in Berlin - hook up with Nathan time oOoOoOo) and then the flight to London with liz on the 7th..

I've had demands for photos, and you know, I just might. but remember, you gotta be careful what you wish for - I imagine getting photos happening on this without expert guidance is gonna end in tears. mostly my tears, but maybe, occasionally, you might I dunno, mist up a little..


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