Wednesday, August 23, 2006


BOSH! stupid computer in Zürich failed to post my blog, but ha HA I had the last laugh - I bested their wretched system and paid for barely a quarter of what I used, ha HA!

so yeah, I most likely typed a pile of crud anyway, and now you unfortunate souls will never have the pleasure of wading through it in search of worthwhile reading... ha HA!

probably said stuff about Scotty entering phase 2 (heading to London to set up base) which, needless to say, is WEAK! but one day in the not so far flung future I will most likely be imposing on his couch while I find my own, ha HA!

BTW good posting timmo and thommo, I suggest maybe however, you should stop wasting your time posting and spend it getting your asses to europe???? just a thought..

erm, so yeah, I bought a sw00000t watch from the heineken museum ni Amsterdam (whilst not so awesome a museum, the 3 free beers made it cheaper than drinking elsewhere >_>).. ha HA!

annnnnd I have recently been told that my little brother, THE Boomer, has been awarded 5th best and fairest of all footballers of all time (or in his league or something, it´s all the same to me). So I suggest that everyone that reads this trooops over to my house to shake his hand and belt him over the back of the head for me, cos that´s pretty freakin awesome.

so we´re fresh from Zürich, which is another great pile of SPLIT - ie we saw everything there in one day, and still had time to bake a pony. The one thing I hoped to achieve there I failed in though. I really want to know if the Swiss just call it ´cheese´.. (church reckons they call it ´Steven´.. I think he LIES!)

PS.. I shaved my beard!! (it´s growing back now, I kinda freaked out there for a bit)


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