Friday, September 08, 2006


woooo London she is a proud beast! (and an expensive one >_<)

firstly community announcements: Tim is a shmuck!! (which I've discovered means something akin to 'jewellery' in german, but we'll stick with the standard english translation for the purposes of this announcement)

so yeah um, Brussels was leet. Koln also. though see the thing with Koln is they have this stuff about, like cool old roman stuff, but they don't seem to care. I was pondering this when I noticed they really don't look as old as some roman stuff I've seen.. made me wonder if perhaps romans never actually built stuff there so they felt left out and built their own!! Now see they pretend the stuff isn't there for a couple of decades so it can get a bit weathered and older looking, then they'll break out the 'oi! we got sweet ruins too, pay me money!!' yeah.

So Tom's coming to europe! woooo! technically Italy, but who's counting. I should hopefully be staying with him for a bit, should be quite pr0l33tWTFbbqPWND!! Though I do wonder what chance a non italian speaking uneducated hobo like myself has of getting a job there.... I bet I can cook up something, even if it is meth in a backyard lab ^^

We are the image of the invisible! - song of the trip for moi so far (Thommo you're with me?!)


Blogger Falcon said...

Bizzare, I've been listening to that a bit myself.

9/9/06 3:46 pm  

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