Monday, November 06, 2006


Morning, morning, it isn't morning here, and probably wont be there, but I'll take what I can get, and let any who oppose be damned!!

you may have presupposed, and if you had, you wouldn't be incorrect, that I have indeed arrived in a mighty seat of Italian power, ie Firenze! what can I say, but that I love it. Plans to eat cheese and drink plenty have proceeded with no obstacle - always having been 2 of Tom and I's favourite pastimes I never anticipated otherwise. Unfortunately as it happens Tom has become a weak drinker, but never fear, I have made it my mission to make up for his lack ^^

I forgot, or didn't realise, or something, but that this humble blog (do I presume too much to refer to it as mine, being prime poster by far? a question for ponderance in quiet times hereafter) does share hosting with none other than the Illustrious IAOYC!!! (for those heathens as yet unintroduced he is known as 'I am on your computer', and can be found at Now, I don't mean to threaten, I just state facts, and the fact is that anyone (and everyone) that doesn't go check that out right th'noo will be eternally damned and blasted to the hell of Dante's reckoning.

that aside, I dunno. We went in search of mad street food yesterday, hopefully in the form of a market or festival of some description, but our searches were in vain. Best thing we found was a kind of gathering of all the public service thingos in florence, like police, fireys, ZE MIGHTY CARIBINIERI!! and their big dogs. Saw some street vendors scarper when a police car hammered past, was pretty hilarious (I'm not being mean, they were laughing too..) good times.

oh yeah, further back, had a damn good time with the museum, and the party they held for us on the last day was crazy fun, free beer with awesome people = good times xD well keen to hook up with them when my feet return to english soil. (nice to have friends of my own so I don't have to tag along with Fish and Scotty's >_>)

That'll do you for now. I still am working on this photos gig, but it is an elusive prize, now my camera is dead with no way of recharging... which is clearly awesome. so, maybe next time, who knows.

PPPS I spoke to Powernap today, which will most likely mean nothign to any of you, but a few more than that will understand when I say my first Noobsquad pretty much consisted of me and him.. leading to >_>



Anonymous Anonymous said...

N$4L !!!

6/11/06 2:23 pm  
Blogger Jon said...

wooo nadz wins!! All other NSers have instantly become lowered in my affections!

.. that's the prize, deal with it. could have been yours you know..

9/11/06 7:33 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/11/06 9:59 pm  

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