Thursday, October 19, 2006

ha HA!

In a master stroke against the establishment, only made possible by both a completely unexpected aid from my recruitment agency (they actually do possess the power to get you work, who knew?!) and an unforseeable (and unforgiveable) lapse in judgement by the London Science Museum.. I now have gainful employment!!! (for 9 days).

Isn't that incredulous. ????????????

And that's not even the good part - get this. On the very day I begin work (so far has been meaningless wasted days of "training", ie imax movies and sitting around waiting for people) but on the EXACT day I start, I am accompanied in my beginningness by NONE OTHER than 'GAME ON'!! which clearly means sweet bugger all to you, so please, allow me to elaborate. Game On is an exhibition on.. wait for it.. Gaming!! (didn't see that coming DIDJA?!) it will involve well over 100 computer games set up for you (ME) to play. H to the Mad core.

Other than this I've been crashing on a remarkably comfortable inflatable matress in Scotty's living room - made possible by the extreme jetsetterness of his housemates, all but one of whom have currently fled the premises (perhaps they too - along with the science museum - knew of my coming? was this written in some holy text someplace? or just a general announcement made to the kind little peoples of this quaint country >_>) It provides a welcome break from hostels (lets see if I can't stretch it out til I go to florence ^^)

Speaking of Florence! Tim has finally replied to my email (go tim) with a green light! (maybe it was the FLIMSY form this reply took that caused it to take so long? I won't delve into the science of these things.. the science of things however is an awesome album, one YOU probably should listen to.. (you know who you are))

that'll about do I says I says. When next I blog it should hopefully be from the mighty FIRENZE!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

H to the madcore.
you suck.
But sounds fun, teh whole gaming world. Don't get owned too badly, n00b

21/10/06 3:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ZOMG that sounds awesome dude :)

Well done on getting a job.

Hmmm... will ET be installed on any of the computers ;)

22/10/06 3:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we hear stories about a museum staff member locking themselves in over night with the one's going to think twice about pinning it on you!

Speaking of pins, there was a brief article in the MX about your exhibit - I'll type it up and email it to you.

24/10/06 9:11 pm  
Blogger Falcon said...

All I can say is that you're a lucky bastard!

25/10/06 12:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when the hell are you comming to florence CHECK YOUR DAMN EMAIL!

27/10/06 8:44 pm  
Blogger tim said...

haha I was going to write a similar message on tom's behalf but he seems to be able to take care of himself. Great news on the job, well done. Do you guys know about Second Life? I've been using articles about it with my english students, it sounds completely insane.

28/10/06 2:51 am  

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