Saturday, December 16, 2006

I'm dreaming of a TESCO Christmaaaaaaas!!

So I received the gift of life for christmas!! By which I mean FOOOOOD!!!!!! Mum ordered me a pile of stuff from Tesco - yes people have laughed - but I was the one in that kitchen giggling uncontrollably as I opened all those little presents, ALL of which are edible!!! full awesome wicked. Hardly had I recovered from this that my other package of stuff arrived from home :o it's been a pretty serious christmastraveganza over here about now. (thanks to that second package I have pants that I can happily wear in public again!! happy days!) Well, I still love my other jeans, and I can take the cold.. its just that they're approaching that point in their life where I might get done for indescent exposure if a cop sees me >_> Coming as these packages do mere DAYS behind dad's package of australian produce (vegemite!1!) it's been quite a christmastastic week.

Now it has come to my attention that, for some therapy related reasons (I think they're trying to convince him he's not ninja again FIGHT THE MAN NICK!!) my brother has been writing a daily blog for almost a week now. Check it out! I'm sure some of you have enjoyed his writings in the past, his style has changed alittle, evolving from the complete random nonsencity to a more structured bizarro wackendity. Sure I made up some words, but I defy you to find pre-existing members of your lexicon to describe this man!

speaking of making up words, I'm not talking about that anymore, but I needed some form of segue, I've decided that replacing any word in a sentence with 'FACE' at great enough emphasis is a pretty awesome FACE! Works extra-best if it's the end of the sentence, but FACE! is not necessary.

Everyone should watch more Scrubs. cept martin, I think you watch well enough already -_- oh and read Toothpaste For Dinner

PS guess who discovered linkage for christmas >_> ha HA! I see your Pickerture and raise you one LINX. (not the deoderant, that's just going TOO FAR)

wotchoo got huh punk innit.

*EDIT* since I posted this I solved my rubik's cube with one hand, just wanted you all to know how much spare time I really have. kthnx


Blogger thenick said...


I have a new blog idea formulating in my's intricate, and this time, probably chock-full of song lyrics.

No, I don't know why either.

Congrats on the rubik's cube! One hand, hey? That' achievement. So what do you want for christmas? (throws away one-hand rubik's cube..)

16/12/06 10:42 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today I'm comming to Londonium!!!

29/12/06 2:35 am  
Blogger Falcon said...

Merry Christmas and the rest mate. It's been fun to watch your grasp of English slide into a depraved, debauched and thoroughly bastardised attempt at communication in the land of its birth. I hope to be joining in on that soon, but due to delays, that will not be until March. If I am not there by the 17th someone will die, and it won't be me!

3/1/07 10:11 am  
Blogger Jon said...

oh I see, so you're gonna miss my b'day. Cold man. cold.

4/1/07 12:52 am  

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