Thursday, December 13, 2007

oh balls, I posted this without a title >_<

Are people from Barbados referred to as 'Barbadose'?

dunno why I'm asking you, no one else was handy I suppose. So we're going to Fly to Bruxeles - and in the face of all ye nay sayers - tomorrow morning. And it's going to be cold. Not cold like 'brrrr it's f..f..f.. f**kin cold' but more, as Anton would put it, 'so cold they have to cut my feet off'. At any rate, I'm sure it will be cold. I mean awesome. This morning there was Ice (with a capital 'eye') on the footpath and I almost fell over often. Why does this slippery damn town also have lots of cobblestones is my question to you. You would think they would combine to form a measure of population control... I was certainly almost ... controlled..

Owen has just asked me for the longest word I could find in ICSEGEHAL. Now I've gone straight for 'SiegHael' - which probably isn't one word, and probably spelled differently, but um, does that make me a Nazi nonetheless? I would like anyone that reads this, yes, that means you Nick, to enter your findings in the comments. Words or likelihood of me being a Nazi, or even renewable energy -


A little bird has informed me one erstwhile SCOTT voted LIBERAL at our past election. Need I say more or just silently prepare the Lynchin' stick?? (dunno what it does, but I felt it fitting).

ahhhhhh I'm outta here. wait.. as labour won, does that mean people that voted liberal aren't allowed back into the country? might be nice..

Friday, November 16, 2007

1. Obtain an octopus of any variety.

2. Repeat Step 1 until desired result has been achieved.

Please do yourselves all a favour and go check out the inestimable Uncyclopedia!!

Yes it's true.. I can no longer deal with being outclassed by Tim's superior literary skills, so I'm falling back on PROPS!! woot!

The effort of typing out those stupid [a href= bllah blah (I clearly know that's the wrong bracket, but if you use the right one all of a sudden the entire post is a link to ' bllah blah' which is NSFW, or just dumb) was probably enough to validate actually just trying a little harder when I spill out my nonsense posts.. oh well, live and learn (or not, don't get shirty with me)

oh! i found a caltrop in my living room today

So the reason I'm doing this is because I'm completely and unequivocally unemployed. Lack of employment agrees with me on many levels, especially the last level of Halo 3 - Heroic. Yeah, take that on. Don't worry your hairy little heads over it though, I seem to have signed up with an agency far more interested in getting me work than I am, so I'm happy to leave it in their capable (though hairy palmed) hands. Not really sure why 'Hairy' is the adjective for today, it just is, k?

i wonder if crips get pissy if someone picks out the wrong shade of blue
'I know you ain't frontin' with that periwinkle'
"Cyan? Niggah please."

Not to cause unnecessary excitement (hairy excitement? let me know if you go anywhere interesting with that one) but I am, most likely, booking a ticket home tomorrow. Not to leave tomorrow, that would be silly. No I will probably be booking it for sometime after tomorrow, though no later than .. can't think of anything good for that one, I leave that as a 'choose your own'. Look at that, ever had a choose your own blog before? Spose most people would chose a different one to mine. lawl. asshat.

so drawing maps from satelite imagery is a pretty fun job..
but when i found out you cant zoom in far enough to see elephants

i was really let down

Todays random inserts were taken entirely without knowledge or consent from the almighty BASH!!! just click 'random' and let the hours roll by.

If there were a building that stood for average intelligence, you would be the plane that crashed into it

I feel like I didn't close something properly somewhere... if you find it.. bother someone else with your petty trifles. BAI!

Monday, October 22, 2007


She lies and says she loves geography, can't find the Netherlands

In North American usage, an overnight flight from coast to coast is referred to as the "Red Eye". I suggest that the Europe-Melbourne flight should be referred to as the "Crumpled Face, Prickly Body and Drained Spirit." That's right folks, I'm home! It's good to be back, it's good to be in my pyjamas and it's good to not have random Italians walking through my room every ten minutes.

Things I have learnt about Europe:
1. Poland is flat. At least on the train trip from Berlin to Warsaw you see nary a hill.
2. Poland is ruled by twins. At least at the time of writing this - they've just had an election which may have changed this, and while I hesitate to rush to conclusions about other countries' politics, I can't help thinking that might be a good thing, no?
3. Anyone can say "I'm truly exhausted," or "I'm well and truly exhausted" but if you want to say "I'm well exhausted" you have to be British and/or a wanker.
4. "Wanker" is one of only two words that I can think of in English where "wa" makes the "ae" sound, as in "cat". I'm not telling you the other one, you can work it out yourselves. (I'm unilaterally disallowing onomatopeic words like "wham, whack" etc.)
5. Okay, so that one wasn't exactly about Europe, but I'm talking about the fundamental interconnectedness of all things here, get on board.
6. Poland has kebab-flavoured chips! (These weren't as exciting as they sound, pretty much exactly the same as "hamburger" chips or "chicken" chips or any flavour of non-yuppy chips other than plain or salt and vinegar).
7. If Australians in London ask you out for "lunch" don't make any plans before 7 the next morning.

So did I thank you guys enough for your hospitality, by the way? I think the correct amount would be "profusely".

That's enough time for me in the limelight, I feel there may be a Thommo wafting this way. A densening of the beardosphere, if you will...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hoo hoo hee hee ha ha

The title has no relevance, as this blog is not so much 'funny' as it is 'disused, disreputable, and dismembered..'. But NO LONGER!! I have remembered the URL, and what's worse, I've remembered how to log in. *ushers forward a new age of enlightenment* well, some would call it enlightenment, in some strange language where 'enlightenment' doesn't actually mean anything.

Soooooooo some things have certainly happened, I won't go into details, just accept frenchmen, a sword, a dinosaur/man race (the dinosaurs won), and probably some other things. Also, I hearby declare that within TWENTY FOUR HOURS I will have gone home and come back to work. Incredible huh? (also that will be my last day as Managing Director of Cleanngone ltd, as I move on to bigger and far shinier things).

In my absence from the INTERBLAG we, the natives of NUMBER 18 CHOBHAM have played host to many august visitors - from Jo & Darce, to Tim, Tom and Friedl, to Fish's dad and Jayson's mum, it's like the freakin HILTON! Good times were had by all, they really played hard, and the boys put in 110% today and I think we can all be happy with the result.

Crazily enough, the most awesome word we encountered in france was english! (perhaps not so crazy, as it was one of few words we could actually understand..) but RECAPITATED! not often a boon to the living, but we did encounter some inanimate patrons of the arts that had benefited quite handily from said word/action. I wonder what possible applications the slightly different 'recipitation' could have. yeahhhhh, feel that IQ slowly seep aaway.

Halo 3. Nuff said? Gravity hammer - oh yeah.

I may continue with more regular updates, I may not, who knows? It remains in the fickle laps of the gods.