Saturday, March 26, 2005

The Long Road From sizzling Spanish Nights to the Home of Haggis

Ok so Barcelona is quite likely THE best city of Europe. I have seen many a city, met many people and gone out partying and I think Barcelona has the best of everything.

So we got to Barcelona after an overnight train from Nice. The hostel we stayed at was the best hostel we have been too. Not only was the actual hostel cool with roof top chill area with hammock facilities and what not but the people we met were some of the coolest people we have partied and chilled with.

So St Patricks day was HUGE. I hope all you fools made it down to the nearest Irish pub and downed a guiness. We got majorly hammered on Guiness and yagerbombs (yagermiester shots in red bull) and then went out partying. I think the highlight of the night (well sort of) was James got mugged. A guy came walking up behind him so he made sure he put his hands in his pocket and gripped his wallet and the guy managed to get his hands in his pockets and the wallet out of his hands and ran off. After chasing him down 2 alleyways and deciding the next alleyway would probably be where 10 of his friends would be waiting he stopped. But because we were all warned about Barcelona at night we never carried anything of real value so it was all good.

Saw the only Cathedral currently under construction in the world. The Sagrada de Familia which has been being built for about 20 years and wont be done until 2025 when it will be the biggest one in europe (maybe even bigger than St Peters Basilica).

So I make tons of freinds and end up going to Paris with some Texans I met (who were very un texan like) and on the way there on the train I get an SMS from ben and Liz saying KAT IS ENGAGED. So I sent a msg back congratulating her and requesting that James Boags be served at the engagment party. Then I realised I am probably 14 years old mentallly and wont get married for at least 10 years.

Spent the night on Monday night in the city of Paris which I have pretty much forgiven its trespasses and can say it is a ...go..ok...good city. Drank like animals at the sexy Latin Corner Cafe in the latin quater and had about 3 hours sleep. Caught the plane from an airport 1 hour out of Paris to one half an hour out of Glasgow. The flying FREAKED me out because I have been on trains for 2 and half months which take so long compared to the mamoth jump we accomplished in 1 hour.

Went straight to Edinburgh and found myself starting in a hostel by myself for the first time which wasnt really a problem given my loud mouthed social demenour I made freinds with some cool Aussies and canadians and Americans. Ok so the Americans were the only trouble making americans I have met on my trip. I feel bad for telling this story cause I haven't mentioned all the awesome things about americans but anyway, we are at the pub on the first night drinking and they start trading some random joking stereotypes with these scottish guys. Now one of these Americans was like a 6 ft 6 monster of a guy who would have weighed like 180kg and the other was a prison control officer. Blah blah blah so the scottish guy leans in and starts biting the american guys nose, the other guy starts hitting him the table goes over and we have the first punch on I have witnessed in Europe. It only took the americans 7 hours from touchdown in the country to bar fight and then the next day they went out dressed in Kilts, nice guys though funnily enough. Definately the exception to the rule cause I LOVE all the other americans I have met.

So I staying in Edinburgh for a few nights, visited the castle which was awesome and went out sampling the nightlife which was mighty fine. Today I came to Dundee to stay with Paul and Heidi and their boys Ben and Magnus who are family freinds from back home. So nice to be in a house, with food on hand and a double bed, private facilities and everything else that a hostel doesn't have.

I know when my tip is coming to an end!

I am leaving heatrow on the 8th of April and touching down in Aus on Sunday the 10th of April. I think coffee on Sunday night that night shall be interesting with many random tales to tell.

I will have to apologise now for the amount of raving I will probably do about all my expereinces when I get home.

Very belated Happy b Day to Jon who of course I forgot to SMS and wish him good tidings on one more year towards the crypt.

The funniest thing I heard about telemarketers was a mate who worked in telemarkting had someone say "nah mate not interested" and so he said "no worries I will just put you through to our not interested department" and transfered the call to his friend, haha.

Well bitches I hope you all miss me like sex on the beach and I will be back home to mix it, chop it, grind and party it up when I get back.

Oh yeah and Haggis is yummy


PS. Kat, Boags, seriously, or I'm not coming to the wedding

Monday, March 21, 2005


In case you have clicked on the recent comments and don't know....KATRINA IS ENGAGED!

Congratulations mate! So, does this mean you're a grown up now? You have a fiance! That is so advanced. I'm definitely not a grown up. I realised this when my first reaction to reading your news was: "Excellent! An excuse to get dressed up!"

I'm getting fickler and fickler every day.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

How to confuse an Indian telemarketer

Offer to read him a poem! The poor bastard doesn't know how to react.

Just trying to live, people.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Hey all,

Well I had intentions to blog but I have run out of time

Everytime I come here the site gets sexier and sexier, either that or I'm getting easier to please.

I will write of my adventures when i get to Barcelona in a couple of days

Peace Out


PS appears in the language of the country you are accessing it from (tre confusing)

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Jon's Birthday

Jon is having birthday drinks on Saturday night. Start in city and don't stop until you get to Switch.

BUT I CAN'T COME. I'm going to see Oprah on the lawn in the Yarra Valley. Although, I've never heard Oprah referred to as Madame Butterfly before. On second thoughts, maybe it was opera on the lawn... I don't know. It's at winery and I've got free tickets. You ask too many questions.

Making a Career out of Flying

Since my last post I have done my first series of interviews and tests with the Australian Defence Force.

These consisted of an aptitude test, a medical survey and an interview.

I apparantly did extremely well and have a very good application (which requires a few more things to add to it). I did so well that I have been invited to participate in the ADF's Aircrew Activity at the Airshow, made up of a small group of aircrew officer applicants, despite the date for confirmation being six days before I was invited. I appears as though they like me... if anyone else is disturbed by that idea please tell me, I should hate to be the only one.

I have three more stages of interviews and tests to pass yet, but things are looking quite good for those too already. I'll keep you informed as these come up.

(The link is to the RAAF homepage)

Friday, March 04, 2005

The waiting game...

Well, I'm at work...waiting.

Echo is "off stone" tonight and the subs and designers are working on the final details of the pages. I can't really help with those technical details so I'm just waiting around in case there are any last minute problems or questions. I'm the only person left in my office! It is a flurry of activity upstairs where they're working on the daily and around the corner where they're working on the Sunday but here in marketing, I'm the only one around... and I don't know how much longer I can stand the boredom.

It's so quiet, and all I really want is beer. You know, I think beer was probably invented on a Friday. It is the only time of the week that it actually feels good to "down a cold one" - that's Broady talk for have a beer, preferably cold.

I had a great star sign today! Lillith said, and I quote (because I have the time to): "Today's Sagittarian Moon puts you in a party mood, which will be more satisfying in a intimate groups rather than large gatherings. The weekend won't operate along straight lines, but you'll learn a few new curves."

Well, I don't actually understand that last line but how good was the first bit. Party mood. Woohoo. Yeah! C'mon! Let's go! Oh man, it is so hard trying to stay in a party mood when all you can hear is an air conditioner and you can't see outside because the fluro lights are so bright. Maybe when I get outside I feel more enthusiastic.

When will I EVER get out of here?!....... I wish I could feel my face.