Sunday, October 23, 2005

I aint sayin' she a gold digger

(She did me wrong)
Now I aint sayin she a gold digger (When I'm Need)
But she aint messin wit no broke niggaz
(She did me wrong)
Now I aint sayin she a gold digger (When I'm need)
but she aint messin wit no broke niggaz
get down girl go head get down (I gotta leave)
get down girl go head get down (I gotta leave)
get down girl go head get down (I gotta leave)
get down girl go head

I gotta leave.

Friday, October 21, 2005


Small update, I passed the testing stage of my ATC aplication.

Very intense stuff, Maths while being interupted with other instructions, bizarre sort test, simulated ATC environment!

If this is how stressful the testing is it explains the high level of burn out in the workers, one day is enough to kill you

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Punch Friday

Just thought I'd mention that there is a party at Lauren's on Friday night. I've been inspired to make punch. Anyone else want in?

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Brisbane... the land of unsecured wireless

Do you think in the future we'll look back on these days of unsecured wireless connections fondly? I feel so sci-fi. I'm sitting on the balcony of our apartment here in Brisbane (in a t-shirt - it is midnight and still hot and humid) looking out at the river and the city lights thinking how only two years ago I couldn't have imagined being online without plugging into something.

I switched on the laptop and up came about 20 unsecured wireless networks for me to log into.

Anyway - just thought I'd make the most of it and post. As I said, the weather is brilliant. New baby cousin is a baby and my cousin (also cute).

There is a great pub across the road (the locals say one of the best in Brisbane) called the Story Bridge Hotel. There are people everywhere. The weather here lends itself to awesome nights out. Everyone is so chilled out. We should all come up for a weekend - make a Sydney of it.

Hope you're having a good one.


Friday, October 07, 2005

Ent the week ond

The argument, as I understand it, goes like this:

Position A ("Ordinary, hardworking people"): "We say 'on Saturday,' we say 'on Sunday,' 'on Sunday morning' etc, why oh why not 'On the weekend'?"

Position B ("Vested media interests"): "Weekend = week + end = at the end of the week = 'At the weekend' = Shut The Fuck Up."

The problem I have is that, well, imagine the week like in the shape of a ruler, with the days as different coloured bands along its length. Now I'm walking along the top edge of the ruler, Monday Tuesday etch, and I get to the end of Sunday and it's like a cliff top, my arms are windmilling, there's nowhere to go, if I even shift my body weight forward a millimetre I'll plunge into the void. That's the definition of the End, right? So when I hear someone say "I'm having a barbeque at the weekend," I'm like "Are you crazy?! There's no room, you'll fall off!"

Now, compare this to "I'm having a barbeque on the weekend" - it's a whole different picture, isn't it? You've got two whole coloured bands to play with, you can spread out the rug, even throw a bit of frisbee if you make sure the kids don't go too near the edge.

Of course, all this is demanding a degree of logic in the language that just isn't there. Why is a "put down" just unpleasant if you're a person but fatal if you're a dog? Why do we "settle down" but "fire up"? Why not butter someone down? The linguist's answer is that there is no answer. Trying to find one will just add more silliness to an already dangerously silly world. You know that rule about splitting infinitives? That you shouldn't say "to boldly go" but "to go boldly"? The whole reason for that rule was that some smartarse grammarian noticed that in Greek and Latin the infinitive was one word (and hence couldn't be split), and, on the grounds that Greco-Roman civilisation was the fount of all things good and holy, proclaimed that in English infinitives like "to go" should also be treated as one word. That's the only reason. In reality, split infinitives have always existed in English and no great harm has come of it.

But that doesn't mean you're going to catch me saying "At the weekend."

Thursday, October 06, 2005

My Top Ten Italish Words

These words are all in my Italian dictionary, so have allegedly entered “l’italiano standard”:

10. yuppismo
‘The attitude of “gli yuppie.”’

9. big
‘Important, influential person, e.g. “i big della finanza.”’

8. water
‘The porcelain bowl of the English-style toilet.’

7. thrilling

6. top class
‘In passenger aeroplanes, the first class.’

5. house music
‘Discotheque music with a fast and obsessively repetitive rhythm.’

4. lie detector
‘Machine of truth.’

3. brown sugar
‘Grainy heroin of oriental provenance.’

2. hamster
(Here the dictionary notes that this is the English word for the animal, but that in Italian it refers to the animal’s fur. I don’t really want to think about the implications of this.)

…and my personal favourite:

1. walkie-cup
‘Waxed-paper cup with a cover and a straw.’

You have a bomb where?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Make like Siamese twins and split...

...and then one of you die.

Gotta love Family Guy.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Mind googling

I was just reading about Google's plans to provide free wireless internet... to an entire city.

You can read more here.