Saturday, December 16, 2006

I'm dreaming of a TESCO Christmaaaaaaas!!

So I received the gift of life for christmas!! By which I mean FOOOOOD!!!!!! Mum ordered me a pile of stuff from Tesco - yes people have laughed - but I was the one in that kitchen giggling uncontrollably as I opened all those little presents, ALL of which are edible!!! full awesome wicked. Hardly had I recovered from this that my other package of stuff arrived from home :o it's been a pretty serious christmastraveganza over here about now. (thanks to that second package I have pants that I can happily wear in public again!! happy days!) Well, I still love my other jeans, and I can take the cold.. its just that they're approaching that point in their life where I might get done for indescent exposure if a cop sees me >_> Coming as these packages do mere DAYS behind dad's package of australian produce (vegemite!1!) it's been quite a christmastastic week.

Now it has come to my attention that, for some therapy related reasons (I think they're trying to convince him he's not ninja again FIGHT THE MAN NICK!!) my brother has been writing a daily blog for almost a week now. Check it out! I'm sure some of you have enjoyed his writings in the past, his style has changed alittle, evolving from the complete random nonsencity to a more structured bizarro wackendity. Sure I made up some words, but I defy you to find pre-existing members of your lexicon to describe this man!

speaking of making up words, I'm not talking about that anymore, but I needed some form of segue, I've decided that replacing any word in a sentence with 'FACE' at great enough emphasis is a pretty awesome FACE! Works extra-best if it's the end of the sentence, but FACE! is not necessary.

Everyone should watch more Scrubs. cept martin, I think you watch well enough already -_- oh and read Toothpaste For Dinner

PS guess who discovered linkage for christmas >_> ha HA! I see your Pickerture and raise you one LINX. (not the deoderant, that's just going TOO FAR)

wotchoo got huh punk innit.

*EDIT* since I posted this I solved my rubik's cube with one hand, just wanted you all to know how much spare time I really have. kthnx

Saturday, December 09, 2006

My 24th December

Well all,

I felt I might post to share a few thoughts, and to throw Jon and his unkempt moustache off the high horse he rides around this blogger on.

So its getting a bit colder now, its time for christmas shopping (oh how I wish I could avoid) and its hard to go to the gym with so many parties and things to do leading up to the christmas / nye bonanza.

Went over to Jonno's place last night for the first time, had a few brews and he provided a great bowl of apple pie / ice cream. It took me a good hour to get there which is a bit of a disgrace on my public transport experience seeing as we only live about 3 suburbs away from each other. Admittedly the Mo looked very shabby and I am happy to be rid of it. BUT! I don't think it is Jon's place to point that out while he sports what I am calling the Shaun Penn hairdo (see above).

Josh and I went Go Karting on monday night. I had a free night there for work and when less than expected turned up I got Josh in on the deal. He ended up setting the fastest lap of the night out of 24 people.

We are hopefully going to SANTA CON next saturday which is where hundreds of people dress up as santa, drink and wonder around the streets / go ice skating / cause mischeif all over london.

Its less than 2 wwkes until Tim get here, yeah tim, time to think about that.

Everything is going well. I have updated my with ALL the photos from Trash Europe tour so feel free to mosy on over there and gawp and gasp at the high and low lights of our (what seems like a distant memory now) trip.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Address UPDATE!

ie I wanted the lime light back >_>

my address is to be here posted for posperity!!

55 Bisson Road
E15 2RF


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Zees mann mast be stouped

Just a quick note to let you know that my latest edition of the International Herald Tribune has an "Advertising Feature" on "Kazakhstan in the 21st Century" - I can only assume they've gone into damage control after the Borat movie.

Also, the police in Bologna have Segways. No, I have no idea why. There was this policeman tootling around on one at the train station with an embarassed grin on his face, a bit sheepish but clearly having a ball. Members of the public were smirking at him.


I apologise to you all, I promise I won't let any such Mo's encroach on this sacred terrain ever again! (unless they're of course they're gracing my ultimate upper lip ^^)

SOOO I got a DUVET!! woooo!! (that's a doona for those of you that still speak a real language....) after about 5 months of sleeping bag or hostel beds I'm finally back in double bed with sheets and everything!! it's incredible, but like, I don't think I really needed to make it harder to get out of bed in the morning.. the cold does that job well enough as it is >_< (also the step from wadded up dirty clothes to actual pillows in pillow cases is one I heartily recommend to you all)

Guess what else?! I HAVE A COMPUTOR!! well, lets clarify. In the 1960's they may have considered such a computer to be a form of God-machine. Unfortunately these days I wouldn't trust such a rig to act as paper weight.. but still, baby steps right? Iron age had to come before the one that came after it yeah? we'll get there. (PS I hate win2k, kthnx)

Here's the fun news, for the past 2 weeks I lived on no more than 79 aussie cents!! oh yeahhh that's what I'm talking about. Admittedly, without the likes of the mighty Fish I may have been in some hot water indeed (not enough money to get to work to make more money etc) but tis all good now, HSBC decided I'd endured enough to be allowed to have my PIN for my english bank account - oh kind and mighty overlords that they are.... (they will be the first to fall... the first of many -_-)