Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Holy Shit / People are Reading this

I only just found out that Jon has been on here like a demon actually posting and people are reading and leaving comments. Don't I feel as suprised as a french soldier at a victory party.

Well to chime in on the Jon's comments, we are all knocking about london like right laricans. We went to an awesome house party at Kat's house on saturday night. It was gangster themed, I will post some photos on my getjealous when I buy the upgrade (next week or so).

Josh has been the most succesful at finding a place so far (moved in last week) I have found a place now and move in around early / mid october.

We went to a cool hardcore / metal gig (just local bands) last monday cause the drummer of one of the bands was frineds with Bo (erica / james housemate)

James and Bo are in New York now and Jon, Josh and I have rule over the house along with Sian and her boy Grossi (refer to last years grand final party at his house). That reminds me the GF is a direct replay of last year from what I gathered. I think we might have to go to the Stalkabout and watch it, although not if it is infested with Sydney kids and sydney win.

Biggest peice of news is that we now drink Fosters, its crazy I know, its like when you like a kylie minogue song, you can't explain why you like it. Well just like Kylie we like if cause its cheap, ahh yeah way to end an analogy going nowehere.

Life here rolls on much as it did back home now that I have a 9-5 its just that everything costs more.

The house I'm moving into is with a french girl, brazilian girl and an english guy who plays guitar (mainly folk stuff he said) so it could be emo and the cowboy all over again.

Well I'm off. Rock on y'all


Thursday, September 21, 2006

o0o0o0o LONDONIUM!

yeah so it turns out we've been in London for a while now (scott's been here like 3 years, living on James' couch.. and he calls his brother a hobo >_> ) me and fish have bounced from hostel to hostel, he finally found a place last night, leaving me as the sole remaining hostel-hopper!!! (I take pride in this, as should you) oh and Liz is in Austria being protected from financial ruin by her family. hooray!

Shortly before Liz fled the country we rolled up to York for a couple of days, that was pretty sweet. Had some tea in the treasurer's house, was a full sesh.. after about 5 cups each liz started acting silly (the girl really can't hold her drink..)

Phase 2 officially started, but not for long. Mine is a faux phase 2, as in but ONE MONTH! I will be sliding over to Florence to chill with Tom and soak up some free accomodation ^^ but I still have to survive til then, which means we're lookin at live in bar work o0o0 6 days of split shifts a week at minimum wage - good times!!

oh yeah, I finally lost my towel, and I think I'm down to one lock (of 4) not so tragic as nathan demonstrated it takes about 5-10 seconds to crack my combinations.. nothin like a good quality lock. Closest I've come to losing my passport was when Liz took it to Stonehenge with her.. on the very day I needed it too... coincidence?! I think not >_>

Can I get a quick raising of hands, when you read this please post a comment (just click the link below that says x (number) of comments) I'm just curious if anyone but my Dad and Thommo read this. Oh and Marty marty ate a Party.

Friday, September 08, 2006


woooo London she is a proud beast! (and an expensive one >_<)

firstly community announcements: Tim is a shmuck!! (which I've discovered means something akin to 'jewellery' in german, but we'll stick with the standard english translation for the purposes of this announcement)

so yeah um, Brussels was leet. Koln also. though see the thing with Koln is they have this stuff about, like cool old roman stuff, but they don't seem to care. I was pondering this when I noticed they really don't look as old as some roman stuff I've seen.. made me wonder if perhaps romans never actually built stuff there so they felt left out and built their own!! Now see they pretend the stuff isn't there for a couple of decades so it can get a bit weathered and older looking, then they'll break out the 'oi! we got sweet ruins too, pay me money!!' yeah.

So Tom's coming to europe! woooo! technically Italy, but who's counting. I should hopefully be staying with him for a bit, should be quite pr0l33tWTFbbqPWND!! Though I do wonder what chance a non italian speaking uneducated hobo like myself has of getting a job there.... I bet I can cook up something, even if it is meth in a backyard lab ^^

We are the image of the invisible! - song of the trip for moi so far (Thommo you're with me?!)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I seem to be in Bologna

(Sorry about the cut-and-paste email post but I felt there needed to be a permanent record that I responded to Jon's thrown down gauntlet. Plus I know some people love this site so much that they have given up on email and use this as their sole point of contact with the outside world.)


Well at least bigger than I remembered. I had maps of the city and imagined quickly zipping around town on foot, and as the train pulled in through the suburbs I had to adjust my plans. It is also hot (in the 30s) and I’ve basically spent all my time walking and drinking water by the litre. I had said to myself “When I’m in Italy it’ll be the start of autumn” and hadn’t quite thought through that what I was actually getting was the tail end of summer – backpacks and business suits and heat do not mix.

It’s beautiful too. I’ve basically been in survival mode, madly rushing around the city getting maps and bus tickets and stuff and trying to find an apartment, but every now and then I stop and look around and just have a bit of a chuckle at how ridiculously gorgeous the red buildings and the cobbled streets are. I was doing a bit too much of this admiring on the bus today (when I wasn’t thinking “How the hell are we going to fit down this street”) and I ended up in totally the wrong place, got on another bus at random and ended up way out in the sticks. I figured if I stayed on it long enough it would eventually get me back to the city, which it did, but yeah, things like that kind of explain why I’m taking a while finding a place to stay.

I then came home and locked myself in the hotel toilet. No, I don’t know why I’d locked the toilet in my private hotel room, but I did. Eventually gave up on trying to unscrew the lock and yelled for help. The hotel guy thankfully heard me straight away and let me out but hmm embarrassing. He showed me how to do the lock and made it look shamefully simple, but I’m not going to try my luck again.


Did Steve Irwin really die? On the bus they had a TV screen with news flashes (state-of-the-art busses in Bologna, little known fact) and they said that the crocodile hunter was dead! I didn’t get all the details, some kind of fish – a shark attack maybe? How sad. I can tell this is going to be one of those “Where were you when you heard” things.

The reason I’m writing such a long email is because my otherwise 1 star hotel has free wireless internet – how awesome is that! Even if I didn’t have any news I’d be compelled to write.

JOB! (or maybe JOB?!)

Had a job interview the day after I arrived, which was a ridiculous thing to do but went well. The boss is going to get me to do a trial lesson and there seems like a good chance of some work, even if it’s only this one particular class of Italian pre-school children. The full horror of those last three words has just begun to sink in. I keep thinking of how I’m going to pull this off and all I keep coming back to is threats of violence and lollies.

The boss is even trying to find me a room in a flat, which makes it seem like she’s pretty confident I’ll get the job. Don’t know if I really want to live with other English teachers but the renting scene in Bologna (hundreds of notices posted to pillars near the uni all offering beds in shared rooms, usually to female students) is so depressing I don’t think I could say no to a decent place.

OK, keep in touch guys. I don’t think I’ve slowed down enough yet to properly start missing people, but I have had that sensation of “Wow, just about everyone I know and love is hundreds of miles away, that was a bit careless of me, wasn’t it”.

Friday, September 01, 2006

eat my words!

kk, turns out I am forced to eat words regarding Brussels (and no I haven't run out of food money) it is in fact an awesome haus town, just has very confusing maps (their tram system is what I imagine a map of brussels would look like if you threw a bowl of spaghetti at it, shards of bowl and all. .. unless it was a plastic bowl.. or metal.. ummm >_>) It turned out that when I went in active search of awesomeness it pretty much eluded me (pretty much), yet when I went for a random walk after dinner I discovered awesomeness at my very doorstep (kk perhaps one block away). Then in the mad dash back to the hostel to get my camera and take leet piccies, I got savagely lost, and discovered even more awesomeness! I refer to, of course, Grand place (sure is a place, but I thought more 'kickass' than grand) and the Royal quarter, and the Kathedraal, etc etc.

so yeah. words eaten. brussels IS cool.