Wednesday, August 30, 2006


why does it always start with that damn title, it's starting to shit me..

anyways, here I am, in teh Bruxxels, and I finally feel the lack of teh Lonely Planet book (one of which I don't own as I was travelling with a cadre of them, but now, elas! they are all teh gone >_<) so without direction I find myself deciding this place is teh LAME (not much grounding from my own experience, but people full said not to go here cos it was weak, so I feel I will finally accept their opinion) I'm still clinging to the hope that I will turn a corner somewhere and see Van Damme beating so,eone up, maybe if I play my cards right he'll beat me up too ^^

Before this, however, was a pretty awesome couple of nights in Paris with Trix and his French friends from Australia (or something) they were pretty cool. well.. I'm pretty sure they were cool, see they spoke alot of french, and for all I know they were talking about eating babies or genocide or something the whole time.... (when I spoke to Martin about this he quickly informed me that the french language consists of only two words; 'eat' and 'baby', which explains alot really... I only wish I'd known before I got there..) So yeah, a cruisy 2 day bender to a soundtrack of french (and french music - weird) playing PSPs (dragonball Z woo! trix hacks) in a sweet little apartment in Les Gobelins! (somewhere in paris)

next I think I'll go to Hamburg. Don't ask why, I really don't know. all I've got is a booking on the 3rd in Berlin - hook up with Nathan time oOoOoOo) and then the flight to London with liz on the 7th..

I've had demands for photos, and you know, I just might. but remember, you gotta be careful what you wish for - I imagine getting photos happening on this without expert guidance is gonna end in tears. mostly my tears, but maybe, occasionally, you might I dunno, mist up a little..

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


BOSH! stupid computer in Zürich failed to post my blog, but ha HA I had the last laugh - I bested their wretched system and paid for barely a quarter of what I used, ha HA!

so yeah, I most likely typed a pile of crud anyway, and now you unfortunate souls will never have the pleasure of wading through it in search of worthwhile reading... ha HA!

probably said stuff about Scotty entering phase 2 (heading to London to set up base) which, needless to say, is WEAK! but one day in the not so far flung future I will most likely be imposing on his couch while I find my own, ha HA!

BTW good posting timmo and thommo, I suggest maybe however, you should stop wasting your time posting and spend it getting your asses to europe???? just a thought..

erm, so yeah, I bought a sw00000t watch from the heineken museum ni Amsterdam (whilst not so awesome a museum, the 3 free beers made it cheaper than drinking elsewhere >_>).. ha HA!

annnnnd I have recently been told that my little brother, THE Boomer, has been awarded 5th best and fairest of all footballers of all time (or in his league or something, it´s all the same to me). So I suggest that everyone that reads this trooops over to my house to shake his hand and belt him over the back of the head for me, cos that´s pretty freakin awesome.

so we´re fresh from Zürich, which is another great pile of SPLIT - ie we saw everything there in one day, and still had time to bake a pony. The one thing I hoped to achieve there I failed in though. I really want to know if the Swiss just call it ´cheese´.. (church reckons they call it ´Steven´.. I think he LIES!)

PS.. I shaved my beard!! (it´s growing back now, I kinda freaked out there for a bit)

Monday, August 21, 2006

Hola from wherever we are!! (swizterland I´ll assume.. though I haven´t heard anyone speak swiss yet!! .. reckon they just call it cheese here?)

Zurich was a massive let down, omg. LP recommended 3 churches and the zoo.. can anyone spell PISA?! atleast their buildings were straight >_> so yeah, we´re actually staying just outside of zurich, place called Kloten, and omg, would you guess it, there´s less here. it´s like they´re trying to be boring, we couldn´t even find a place to eat on saturday night!!!

having said we several times, of course I refer to just myself and Liz, as Scott has cut loose and scurried to london with his proverbial tail between his legs, and Fish was keen on some place I can´t spell, lausen or something, but we´ll probably hook up wiht him in Prague shortly.

Oh yeah, Amsterdam was pretty cool, went to the Heineken Museum - wasn´t so awesome, cept you got 3 beers with your ticket (worked out cheaper than drinking elsewhere >_>) and I bought a kick ass heineken watch, haven´t figured how to drink it yet, but I´m sure i´ll get it.

BTW I didn´t really publisize this, but I shaved my beard Ö it´s just starting to grow back.. kinda freaked me out.

Timmo and Thommo, nice work blogging, now get joo asses to europe!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Boring Home Life

Man the photographs and messages and stories et cetera are driving me insane- I desperately want to get over there, however it seems I shall not be able to do this until next year!

Other than my sad rant, not much is happening- I have a shit short census job which will result in me being able to afford to earn my PPL (Private Pilot's Licence) but I can't really do much flying until I have been paid...

On the bright side, if I get this licence and if I can get over to Europe, I would be able to fly myself around without too much hassle- but significantly higher cost than commercial airlines.

Keep making me feel jealous with your tales.


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Holla, Ruffians!

It was kind of quiet for a while so I assumed no one was posting on this thing, so it was cool to find Jon's writings here all in one burst. So you're in Germany now? Sounds like you're going round in circles but I'm sure it makes sense to you. Things are chugging along back here, I've been doing an intensive teaching course that has kind of mangled my body and my brain but was quite cool at the same time, and now I'm going in (late) to Fitzroy for Duck's birthday drinks. Still planning to come teach in Italy in September but man am I disorganised. Okay gotta dash to the train. Keep in touch, it was lovely to get Liz's photos of your enlagered and bevodkaed faces looming out over the globe at me.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


so yeah, sorry for the lack of posts, I´ve been busy.. I assume.

we´re in Munich!(or München, the far more food related name) it´s pretty cool, staying at a wombat´s hostel - full of aussies, for a change. Can´t go past an outdoor beanbag area!

Today we went to Dachau concentration camp (KZ if you will) which was nice and sobering, then we lost steven, cos he´s a crazy german.

Scott and Braith have done a number on our plans, so everything´s kind of in the air right now, but it´s looking like we´ll be parting ways when we leave München, so we´re making the most of these couple of days.

Next for me should be Chesky Kromluv - czech, we´ll see what happens then.